
My name is Monica and I'm 22 years old living in a small college town outside of Buffalo, NY. I'm a Media Management Major with a Minor in Business. Currently I am the Vacations Group Coordinator at Darien Lake Theme Park and Resort. I graduate in May 2014 and I hope to move to Nashville, TN soon after that. I would love to work in the country music industry. Not sure what job specifically, I like to keep my options open. I truly believe I was born to be in the south. 

Most of the crafts/recipes that I will do come from Pinterest. While I have been on Pinterest for years I have only recently gotten into actually doing some of the crafts that I pin. Since my job is seasonal, I am doing these crafts on a limited budget with limited time. I am hoping this blog will allow me to document my journey from amateur crafter to full blown professional.

On this blog I document (with pictures!) the crafts that I do including tools and materials needed, time needed, and what I spent. I might even blog a few recipes I encounter as well! Hopefully I can give you some tips on how to avoid the mistakes that I will undoubtedly make along the way. 

Don't forget the two things you need to complete a successful craft: A Glue Gun & A Prayer 

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