Saturday, November 23, 2013

Essentials For Being A Craftaholic

I was browsing around Hobby Lobby (the holy grail of craft stores) today looking for some supplies for a craft that I will be doing and posting about later in the week, and I had a thought: what if people have zero clue how to start doing crafts in general? And now with that thought I bring you my second blog post. 

This post will give you some basic tools, tips, and tricks on how to start your adventure of crafting. First let's start with tools. Below is a list of some very basic tools that are essential to most crafts. Have these items in your corner and you're off to a great start:

  • Scissors - I recommend investing in a quality pair of fabric scissors
  • Glue in various forms. ex) glue gun (duh), glue sticks, Elmer's glue, spray glue, etc. 
  • Mod Podge - a high quality glue/sealer/finish. It get's pricy but I highly recommend it for first timers. Once you get the feel for the consistency and range of uses then you can venture into some homemade recipes to save some moolah. 
  • Sponge brushes in various sizes
  • Xacto knife
  • Krylon Clear Gloss Spray (when did this item become essential for every craft?!)
  • Ruler
  • One inch hole punch (you could also splurge on some shaped hole punches like hearts)
  • Paper clips/clothespins
  • Ribbons, thread, twine, etc.
  • Sandpaper
  • Scrap paper, old magazines, scrapbook paper, etc.
While none of these items are essential for every craft I think having them at  your disposal whenever you need them is fantastic. It stinks to get to the very end of a craft and have to run out for some Krylon spray at the last second. Especially when its 4am and all you've eaten that day is a cheese stick and two mocha frapps. (trust me on this one okay?).

Now let's have some helpful handy tips:
  • Find your local craft stores, browse all of them, pick your favorite, and stick to it. In my area the craft stores are Hobby Lobby, Michael's, and JoAnn Fabrics. I prefer Hobby Lobby. It almost always has what I'm looking for and generally has good prices. I say stick to one store because once you're in there 4 times a week you will get to know your way around, know when to look for deals, know the employees, etc. Most stores also have a rewards program for frequent customers. Unless another store is having a sale you can't pass up, find a store and make it your baby. 
  • Pick a craft that works for you. Just because Pinterest gives you step by step instructions on how to make a 35 foot area rug, doesn't mean you should do it when you live in an apartment the size of a postage stamp. Before you commit to a craft think "Where can I put this?" "Will it look good?" "Will it fit?" "Can I use this?" Don't waste your time or money on a craft that will end up in your moms garage and give her another reason to call you any more than she already does.
  • Pick a craft that's doable. If you can't sew, don't pick a sewing project. Just don't. You will get frustrated and start to cry. Find a craft that's within not only your price range, but your skill level as well.
  • If you're not having fun, STOP. Crafting is supposed to be fun, relaxing, and enjoyable. If you're getting stressed or frustrated, just stop. Come back to it another day. Maybe this time with a vodka tonic in your hand. 
  • Don't Over-Craft. If you start a project, finish it. We don't need 72 half finished crafts lying around. It's dangerous not only for yourself, but for your love life as well. One craft at a time people!
Alright hopefully these tips will help you get started on your journey to crafting. If you have some more tools or tips that you would like to add, comment below! 

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